Wednesday 27 April 2022
Beverley Town Council could be on a collision course with neighbouring authorities after councillors backed proposals to create a “Greater Beverley” council, taking responsibility for Molescroft and parts of Woodmansey. The Beverley council was responding to a consultation process initiated by East Riding Council.

This week’s meeting, chaired by Mayor Linda Johnson, unanimously supported the idea of creating an extended authority. But they added the caveat that “should Molescroft wish to maintain its identity as a separate parish, we believe there should be a joint Beverley and Molescroft Council, with the Beverley section of that joint council including those southern parts of Beverley which currently fall under Woodmansey.”
Woodmansey Parish Council would then be left to cover the actual village itself. Speaking to Beverley FM, Cllr Johnson said: “We feel so many people don’t actually know where the existing boundaries are. Beverley Parklands, for example, people think they live in Beverley, the houses are marketed as being in Beverley, but they are actually in Woodmansey.”
She said it was an issue of equality. Those living in Molescroft and Woodmansey, while enjoying all the benefits Beverley had to offer, would actually be paying a lower parish precept than Beverley residents, she said. While it should be stressed this is currently only a consultation process, it’s understood Molescroft Parish Council has already rejected the merger idea out of hand.
In other news, East Riding Leisure is looking for new lifeguards to join their teams at its health and wellbeing centres across the area, including Beverley. All centres currently have vacancies for full-time, part-time or casual staff and are particularly interested in people who are available to work during the day.
[More information here]