Tuesday 9 August 2022

CHERRY Burton has been chosen by famous world music group Black Umfolosi as a venue on their latest UK tour and will be appearing at St Michael’s Church in the village on Saturday September 24. The acapella and dance group are inspired by the traditional song and dance of their native southern Africa and Cherry Burton Arts organiser Martin Peirson told Beverley FM: “We are very lucky to be offered this show.”

He continued: “Using the glorious acoustics of St Michael’s Church, this is going to be quite an experience.” For the group it will be a return visit and they specifically asked for Cherry Burton to be included because of the reception they received last time.” For more information email martin@peirson.karoo.co.uk

THE LOCAL branch of the RAF Association has announced plans to hold a Commemorative Parade and Service at Hull Cenotaph on September 18, to remember those who fought in the Battle of Britain. Hull branch chair Emma Smith told Beverley FM: “Battle of Britain is a hugely important date in the RAF Calendar. It is appropriate for communities – military and non-military – to come together to remember those who have served in times of conflict.  While the day is associated with Battle of Britain, it is also important to remember those serving in conflicts and their participants, in more recent times.”  To find our more email Emma@RAFAHULL.co.uk

HUMBERSIDE Police say they’ve arrested and charged two people following the discovery of a cannabis farm on Cliff Road in Hornsea.