Monday 8 August 2022
RECORD-BREAKING drug-related deaths have been recorded across Yorkshire & The Humber, according to new figures from the Office of National Statistics. The drug death toll in 2021 was 6.3 per cent higher than the previous year, with a total of 585 people losing their lives to drugs.
Detailed analysis of the figures shows there were 30 drug-related deaths in the East Riding in 2021, compared to 22 in 2020 – a 36 per cent increase. The figure for Hull was 67 – up from 51 the year before. Overall, cocaine was involved in a fifth of all the deaths in the region. 24/7 confidential help and support with drug addiction is available. For urgent assistance, call 0808 274 8029.
BEVERLEY’S East Riding Theatre has launched its new season’s guide through to December, including this year’s Christmas production – the first adaptation of award-winning author Emma Carroll’s acclaimed novel “Letters From The Lighthouse”. There’s also the launch of regular comedy nights – the first one is on September 8 – while Gladys, a debut play by Jane McLauchlan, is a true-to-life Beverley love story, whch opens on September 29. Full details from
A VACANCY exists for a councillor on Woodmansey Parish Council following a resignation and will be filled by co-option unless 10 or more electors write to the chief executive of East Riding Council by Wednesday August 17 demanding a by-election. More details here