Monday 22 August 2022
BEVERLEY Minster’s Sanctuary Project Board has announced it has completed the development of the churchyard into a place of sanctuary and opened the south nave door near the font to provide an accessible entrance. Visitors to the Minster may now find sanctuary in this space with three newly-commissioned oak benches and steel planters.
A spokesperson told Beverley FM: “There’s an information board outlining the historic importance of this site and the restoration work of 2020 on the lesser south transept roof. We hope that in the next few weeks the thousands of wildflower seeds planted will form a wildflower meadow, although we expect it to take a few years to establish. A free leaflet lists the flowers and explains the relevance of the herbs.”
MOTORISTS have been warned that the Ouse Bridge on the M62 near Goole may not fully reopen for another 12 months. Two lanes on the eastbound carriageway were closed in March while repairs to a damaged bridge joint took place; often causing severe delays.
One lane was reopened in July, but a National Highways spokesperson has said all eight joints across both carriageways now needed replacing. Repairs are expected to continue until autumn 2023, they added.
CONGRATULATIONS have gone out to Beverley Minster chorister Abi Moult, who has reached the semi-final of this year’s BBC Young Chorister of the Year competition. Abi is one of only 10 outstanding young singers to have been selected. The semi-finals will be filmed in October in Manchester and will be broadcast on television in November.