Goole boxing-based project ‘powerful’ in helping young people

East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s cabinet member for children, families and education visited a local boxing-based project to see the impact it is making on young people in Goole.

Councillor Victoria Aitken visited In Your Corner, who work with young people aged 11 years and over who are struggling with school, relationships, confidence or are on the cusp of committing anti-social behaviour.

The project teaches young people boxing basics by a qualified England Boxing coach, alongside life skills such as nutrition, fitness, and cooking. Young people are also supported by a youth support worker to help each young person get the most out of the programme.

Councillor Victoria Aitken, cabinet member for children, families and education said: “It was a pleasure to visit Goole Youth Action and see first-hand what an impact In Your Corner is having on young people. Projects like this, in local communities, can really help a young person onto a more positive path and provide that early intervention that changes their life course.

“One young person I spoke to had been out of education for two years. After completing the programme, the young person is now back at school, in full time education – demonstrating what a powerful impact the course has had.”

Referrals to In Your Corner are made via the council’s Youth Offending Team, Safer Communities and Young People’s Support and Safeguarding Services. All young people join the programme voluntarily.

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