Friday 3 June 2022
THE QUEEN has honoured former district nurse Liz Hallett, of Tickton, with the award of a British Empire Medal in the Jubilee Birthday Honours List, reflecting her lifetime’s community work and fund-raising. Liz spent 32 years as the Brown Owl of Swinemoor Brownie Pack and also fulfilled the position of District Commissioner and helped with the Tickton Rainbows. She is the Treasurer and fundraiser with the Soroptimist International of Beverley and District and has raised in excess of £50k in the process.

In Tickton, Liz (pictured)is known as the “Greyhound Lady” as she walks her two greyhounds Polly and Bella and helps with the Hull Greyhound Rescue centre, collecting duvets which are used as blankets for the rescue dogs.
In one of her volunteer roles Liz helps as a scanner with the Scarborough, Bridlington and Driffield lost and found group, who help search for lost animals, scan them and reunite them to their owners.
She joined Alex Dunn on our Breakfast Show yesterday, recounting how she began collecting books in aid of a Blue Peter lifeboat appeal at the age of seven and hasn’t stopped helping since.
A TOTAL OF 188 knives and 12 firearms were handed in at local police stations as Humberside Police took part in national weapons amnesties during May, aimed at getting weapons off the streets. Dump bins were placed in police stations, including Beverley .
A FREE park and ride service, provided by Acklams Coaches will be running today from Beverley Racecourse and Beverley Rugby Club on Norwood to Beverley Bus Station for all the Jubilee action.