Humber Forest to mark National Tree Week with educational events and tree planting

Humber Forest, supported by East Riding of Yorkshire Council, will mark National Tree Week, which runs from Saturday 23 November to Sunday 1 December.
East Riding Libraries are partnering with Humber Forest to host ‘Tree Parties’ with lots of woodland themed activities.
North Bridlington Library are hosting Woodland Friends Duplo Storytimes and Marvellous Microscopy sessions where children can look at specimens through a microscope.
Hedon Library and North Bridlington Library are holding special woodland themed Lego Art sessions during National Tree Week. There is no need to book, to attend the tree party events.
Humber Forest will also be planting trees at sites in Cottingham, Arram and North Newbald where new woodland and hedgerow will be planted, in total over 4,000 trees will be planted during the National Tree Week by partners and volunteers.
Humber Forest, supported by Defra’s Nature for Climate Fund, is the community forest for Hull, East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. It is one of 15 community forests across England, and part of the larger Northern Forest that stretches from Liverpool to the Yorkshire Coast.
The team works with communities, businesses, and landowners to increase tree cover and maintain existing woodland. Humber Forest provides grants to cover up to 100 per cent funding for planting as well as at least five years maintenance for farmers, landowners, businesses, and communities to plant hedgerows or trees on their land.
The trees are planted by volunteers, many of whom have reported that the experience has helped their physical and mental health and helped them keep active in the community.
Gillian Darton, tree planting volunteer with The Conservation Volunteers who deliver some of the Humber Forest tree planting projects and organise the volunteer planting days said “At a time when our climate is truly in crisis and we are losing species at an alarming rate, it is really helpful to be able to feel I am doing something to help put a brake on this.
“The satisfaction of looking around at the end of a day’s tree planting and seeing so many new trees ready to do their bit is heartening.”
The Humber Forest team are hoping to plant over 250,000 trees by the end of planting season in March 2025.
Councillor Paul West, East Riding of Yorkshire cabinet member for environment and transport at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said” It’s great to see the Humber Forest team educating the public about trees, and helping people get involved in volunteering.
“Trees provide numerous benefits to the environment and local communities, and I encourage interested landowners to get in touch with the Humber Forest team to see how they can be involved.”
The Tree Council CEO, Sara Lom said: “We are delighted to be celebrating National Tree Week, which provides a fantastic opportunity for all of us to come together for the love of trees.
“Trees and hedgerows help us tackle climate change, provide homes for wildlife, improve our health and so much more. We need to help them back and by getting involved, you’ll be part of growing a greener, tree-filled future for all of us.
“We’re so grateful to everyone across the UK for taking part in National Tree Week”
National Tree Week runs from 23 November – 1 December to find out more, please visit
For more information on the Tree Party events visit and search trees.
Humber Forest can fund large and small projects, providing up to 100% of agreed costs of tree planting, hedgerow creation and maintenance. It can also support tree protection, fences, gates and more. For more information, or to get involved, visit or email
National Tree Week – Tree parties events
East Riding Libraries are partnering with Humber Forest to host some ‘Tree Parties’ with lots of woodland themed activities to celebrate National Tree Week. There is no need to book, you can just turn up. For more information visit and search trees.
Lego Art
Hedon Library, Saturday 23 November, 10am -11.30am
North Bridlington, Library Tuesday 26 November, 3 – 4pm
A special woodland-themed Lego Art session for Lego Club fans. Pop along and enjoy the Tree Party fun! Minimum age 4+. Children aged 8 and under must be supervised by an adult.
Marvellous Microscopy
North Bridlington Library, Friday 30 November, 10am – 12.30pm
Special nature-themed microscopy session. Join the team for an up-close look at lots of natural specimens through our marvellous library microscopes. Minimum age 5+. Please note children must be tall enough to safely use the microscopes whilst seated or standing without support. Children aged 8 and under must be supervised by an adult.
Duplo Storytime
North Bridlington Library, Thursday 28 November, 2.15 – 2.45pm and again on Saturday 30 November, at 10.30-11am
Pop along and enjoy the brand-new Woodland Friends Duplo Storytime set and have a Tree Party. Minimum age 2+. Children aged 8 and under must be supervised by an adult.
Humber Forest
- Humber Forest is the community forest for Hull, East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire and is one of 15 community forests in England.
- The three neighbouring authorities of Hull City Council, East Riding of Yorkshire Council and North Lincolnshire Council work together in partnership through Humber Forest.
England’s Community Forests
- Humber Forest is one of a network of 15 across the country. Together, the work of England’s Community Forests represents the largest environmental regeneration programme in the country.
- For over thirty years, England’s Community Forests have been working with communities, landowners, and businesses to transform the landscapes and communities in and around our largest towns and cities.
- Through innovation and a long-term commitment to the areas in which they work, the 15 Community Forests are working to ensure that trees and woodlands are at the very heart of our urban landscapes.
- Find out more at:
About Trees for Climate and Defra’s Nature for Climate Fund
Trees for Climate is a woodland creation programme managed by England’s Community Forests and is funded by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs through the Nature for Climate Fund.
About the Northern Forest
The Northern Forest has already established nearly 8 million new trees since 2018 and is transforming the landscape from coast to coast and in and around cities such as Liverpool, Chester, Manchester, Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield, York and Hull. A partnership between The Woodland Trust, the largest woodland conservation charity in the UK, and Community Forests: City of Trees (Greater Manchester), Mersey Forest, Humber Forest and White Rose Forest, and the Community Forest Trust, is delivering this ambitious project. The partnership is connecting people with nature through the Northern Forest, creating growth and investment opportunities, reducing climate change and flood risk, improving health and wellbeing, supporting the rural economy, and developing innovative funding mechanisms for the future and is funded by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs through the Nature for Climate Fund.
Find out more at