Commuted Sums help Riverview Bowling Club

Riverview Bowling Club has completed improvements to the club, using an award of £53,137 from East Riding of Yorkshire Council as part of Commuted Sums. Riverview Bowling Club contributed £5,904 towards the £59,041 project.
The improvement works included a refurbishment of the clubhouse with improvements made to the toilets as well as installing a new kitchen to the lounge area to allow easy access for players and officials. The club also purchased an aerator to help with the maintenance of the bowling green and some steps to help access onto the Green for players.
Mr Harold Kennedy, President of Riverview Bowling Club said “We were delighted and grateful to receive a grant from East Riding of Yorkshire Council Commuted Sums team. The grant enabled us to do major refurbishments to our Club. The work is now completed and we are thrilled with the outcome.”
Councillor Gary McMaster, East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Cabinet member for planning, housing and infrastructure said “I am very pleased that this award of Commuted Sums have been able to help Riverview Bowling Club in Hessle. From helping to refurbishing club houses to upgrading facilities to aid others to enjoy playing a sport they love, Commuted Sums can make a real difference in areas across the East Riding.”
Contact Information
Connor Foster
PR Coordinator
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Notes to editors
Notes to Editors:
Image 1
Left to right:
Steve Craggs – Mayor of Hessle, George Fitzpatrick – Vice Captain, Councillor Gary McMaster – East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s cabinet member for planning, housing and infrastructure, Harold Kennedy – President, Councillor Pickering – Ward Councillor – Hessle Ward
Image 2 and 3 – completed works
Commuted Sums
Developers are required to provide Outdoor Playing Space (OPS) as part of all new residential developments above a certain size. This requirement is highlighted in the East Riding Local Plan, supported by the Supplementary Planning Document.
Outdoor Playing Space is specified as space that is available for sport, active recreation or children’s play. The space must be of a suitable size and design for its intended purpose, accessible and available to the general public.
When a developer cannot provide this within the development itself, a sum of money known as a commuted sum may be paid in lieu of this, by the developer entering into an agreement under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.