Dave Hudson
What show do you present and when?
I present The Golden Years on Monday evenings from 6-8pm, looking back at the classic hits of the 60s and 70s, plus you can also catch me on Sunday mornings from 9am – Midday with the Sunday Assortment
What do you love most about being at Beverley FM?
I love having the freedom to choose my own music for the shows which doesn’t happen on other radio stations, and that everyone at Beverley FM is a volunteer who gives up their time to entertain and inform our local communities, meaning we do it for love, not money.
If you could travel anywhere you haven’t already been, where would it be?
I love to travel and have been to some amazing places around the world but I’m yet to sample the far east, so that’s definitely on my list!
Where’s your favourite place in East Yorkshire?
You can’t beat Beverley! I moved here from Leeds over 30 years ago and fell in love with the place. I love to walk on the Westwood and sample Beverley’s many fine watering holes! Beverley still has a great sense of community and we need to hang on to that.
What’s your favourite comfort food?
A special curry and fried rice from my local Chinese takeaway.