Amy Jibson

What show do you present and when?

Sunday Lunch with Amy! Two hours of hand-picked feel-good music from across the decades. It’s the music soundtrack to your Sunday lunchtime, with interesting facts about the artists and a few requests included too. Whatever you’re doing between 12 and 2 every Sunday; cooking, eating, working or  resting, I’ll will keep you company and encourage you to move, sing and dance. It’s all about the music!

I also present the Wednesday evening show from 6-8pm

What do you love most about being at Beverley FM?

I’m proud to be working alongside a team of very hard working talented people.

If you could travel anywhere you haven’t already been, where would it be?


Where’s your favourite place in East Yorkshire?

Anywhere along our beautiful East Yorkshire coastline

What’s your favourite comfort food?

Chocolate! Chocolate Cake… even better!