Monday 3 October 2022
THE SEARCH is on for a star of the future, who will take centre stage at the Christmas Lights Switch-On event taking place at Flemingate in Beverley on November 18. Once again, Beverley FM has joined with Flemingate to launch the search for the next Flemingate Future Star, who will get to perform on stage at the switch-on.
In addition the winner of the competition will receive a £100 shopping voucher and also be invited to appear on Beverley FM. Last year we welcomed singer Megan Wright to join presenters Alex Dunn and Adam Smith on stage. To enter all you need to do is WhatsApp a video of you singing to 07935 566549 ahead of the deadline of Friday October 28.

HIDDEN HOARDS and Fabulous Finds is a new archaeology exhibition at Beverley Treasure House, which opened on Saturday and runs until February next year. It’s a chance to see some of the historic items housed in Beverley, including Viking gold rings, a pendant with Roman mosaic and part of an Anglo-Saxon gold sword handle. There is also some more unusual treasure, such as a pile of 13th century silver coins found near Huggate that have been fused together, and bits of Bronze Age metalworking waste found near Bishop Burton. More information here
A VACANCY exists on Walkington Parish Council following the resignation of Cllr Tony Collinson. At least 10 residents have to call for a by-election by the deadline of October 13 or the vacancy will be filled by co-option. More information here