Summer Day Out Suggestions
Meet Joanne Brady a busy mother of four girls. Joanne runs a blog about great day’s out for families from East Yorkshire and she has teamed up with Beverley FM to provide information in our programmes about where to take the kids for that special day out.
You can read Joanne’s blog HERE. Kids Days Out Reviews is a blog dedicated to sharing the best family days out in all corners of the UK. The reviews are written by parents especially for parents and their children. Her philosophy is simple – days out can be educational, inspiring, or just a relaxing day off school and work for all the family. Days out show children new horizons and possibilities.
Days out blow off the cobwebs and stop you all staring at the same four walls or the TV all day long. Days out can be anything from an hour down the local park to a dawn-til-dusk session at a theme park. She covers all types of days out suitable for families with children from birth to teens.
Here’s One To Get you Started – Spurn Point (Yorkshire Wildlife Trust)
There’s nothing like taking the kids to the seaside and Spurn Point has a whole lot more than just sand and water. To find out more go to the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust website by clicking on the picture!