Friday 8 April 2022
The Cherry Tree Community Centre, based in Cherry Tree Lane, Beverley, has been named as Beverley Building Society’s Charity of the Year. It means an initial donation of £2,000 by the society plus a pledge to help throughout the year, including running educational finance sessions with children and teenagers.
Society chief Executive Karl Elliott told Beverley FM: “After years of running our ‘Charity of the Month’ programme, we’ve selected a ‘Charity of the Year’ for 2022. It means we’ll be supporting the charity’s hugely important work for a whole 12 months, in any way we can.”
[More information here]
East Riding Council is spending almost £2 million to carry out decarbonisation work on three council-owned buildings – County Hall in Beverley, the council’s depot in Annie Reed Road and at Bridlington Spa. It will see the installation of heat pumps at both County Hall and the depot to reduce the reliance on gas-fired boilers for both heating and hot water.
Plans are also in place for the installation of energy-efficient windows, replacement energy-efficient hand dryers and the installation of flow restrictors to hand wash taps to reduce water consumption. The work, costing £1.5 million, will be done by a York-based firm; in addition a further £400,000 has been spent on external consultants. The overall cost has been met through Government grants.
[More information here]
And finally, a vacancy exists on Leven Parish Council following the resignation of Cllr Ray Gibson. It will be filled by co-option unless at least 10 electors ask for a by-election by the deadline of April 28.
[More details here]